Holy Week 2024, Easter Worship 8:30am & 11:00am
Join us for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, as we celebrate the most important events of our faith!

Ash Wednesday Day Worship, Noon & 6:30pm
Join us Wednesday, February 14 at Noon or 6:30pm for the start of Lent. Imposition of ashes and communion will both be celebrated.

Holden Evening Prayer, Thursdays during Lent
Join us Thursdays at 6:30pm (starting February 22nd) for our traditional Holden Evening Prayer service, featuring a variety of musicians. Communion will also be celebrated and all are welcome!

Annual Congregational Meeting – 1/28/24 at 12:15
Join us January 28th at 12:15pm for a potluck and annual meeting to conduct the business of the congregation.
Last names A-G: bring a dessert to share.
Last names H-Z: bring a main course to share.