In recognition of the years of dedicated ministry by Rev. Kendra Wilde, Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church has established the Rev. Kendra Wilde Hunger Endowment Fund. The income dividends from this fund will be distributed by the Our Redeemer’s Hunger Team on a quarterly basis to aid with hunger related issues within the greater Helena area, Montana and around the world. The dividends may be distributed to, but not limited to the Our Redeemer’s Community Garden, Helena Food Share, God’s Love, Family Promise, Lutheran World Relief, Lutheran World Hunger, or other organizations that aid in hunger related issues.
The fund was established and built from donations, gifts and contributions, the principal of which shall be held in trust in perpetuity. This Fund is invested and managed through Mission Investments of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.
Interested in contributing to the Rev. Kendra Wilde Hunger Endowment Fund? Please click on this link for online giving or mark your offering for “KW Hunger Endowment” and place it in the church offering or turn it into Our Redeemer’s office (3580 N. Benton Ave. Helena, MT 59602).