The Worship Arts area serves through music, drama, and sound. If you have a gift in music, drama, computer graphics and/or sound we invite you to become a part of a vibrant and growing ministry. To learn more about the following opportunities for serving through worship, please email Jason Callon ([email protected]).

Chancel Choir

8:30am Traditional Service

The choir performs 1-2 times per month, singing SAB and SATB anthems and chorales in a traditional worship service setting. The group is made up of musicians of all ages and backgrounds. They practice weekly Wednesday evenings.

Spark Band

Wednesday 6:30pm Family Service

The Spark Band is a group of high school musicians that lead music for the Wednesday evening Spark worship service. They meet on Wednesdays at 5:30pm to rehearse.

Handbell Choir

Our Redeemer’s hand bell choir performs several times a year for seasonal and special events.  This team of people of all ages rehearses three octaves of bells four to six weeks prior to performances and is under the direction of Autumn Keller. They practice Monday evenings. Please contact Autumn ([email protected]) if you are interested in joining.

Worship Assistants

To accommodate all who wish to worship God, we ask for volunteers to help as greeters, ushers, lectors, communion assistants, and many other tasks. If you wish to give a gift of service to your sisters and brothers, please contact Jason Callon ([email protected]).

Rejoice Team

11:00am Contemporary Worship

The rejoice band plays contemporary music, old and new with instruments including guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, piano, and multiple voices. They strive to bring life to God's word for a newer generation. They rehearse at 10:10am before service in the sanctuary.

A/V Team

A tech-savvy group of volunteers runs the computer, sound board, and live stream during worship. Their goal is to accommodate and bring service alive to all congregation members through projection of images, words, and lyrics, and produce a high quality sound experience during worship. All are welcome to volunteer and join our team!

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild’s primary mission is to prepare and maintain our sanctuary for use by God’s family. They prepare for regular Sunday worship services and celebrating communion every Sunday. They also prepare for Lent, Easter, Christmas, Baptism, wedding, and funeral services, as well as other special events. Making worship meaningful for our congregation and guests is truly the Guild’s privilege.

What do we sing?

These are examples of the type of hymns and worship music we sing. Each of the three weekly services has its own distinct repertoire and feel.

Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen! (8:30am Traditional Service)

Jesus Messiah (11:00am Rejoice Service)

Living Water (Wednesday 6:30pm Spark Worship)