Welcome to Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church!
Whether you are still exploring your faith or have a vibrant faith with God already established, we invite you to be a part of our faith community. Our Redeemer’s has a rich mix of both deeply rooted traditional worship and contemporary praise worship. We are a welcoming community in Helena in which to grow in faith, explore coming back to a faith community, or simply to learn what faith is all about. We also strive to be active and engaged in our greater Helena and world community by sharing with and serving those in need.
Worship Schedule
Summer months at 9:30am
Beginning September 15 at 8:30am and 11:00am
Special Services
During the year, there are special times in the church where we celebrate the awesome gifts of God. At these times, we gather for special worship opportunities. Some of these special services are Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunrise. Each of these times highlights key moments in the life of Jesus and the impact these moments have on our faith community. These services are listed in the bulletin and on our website and give specific times and dates. As with all worship at Our Redeemer’s, all are welcome!