Our Redeemer’s youth ministry focuses on building a caring community of teenagers who love God and each other. We provide large and small group activities designed to deepen and challenge faith and create fellowship within the body of Christ. We hope that through the community, faith will grow and youth will fall more in love with Jesus Christ. Our Redeemer’s youth ministry is committed to:
- Worship: Lead youth into the presence of God.
- Fellowship: Grow a community of believers who truly care for each other.
- Discipleship: Collaborate with parents to grow the next generation of believers in Jesus Christ.
- Service: Serve each other and those around us through the love of Christ.
- Servant trips: Annual trips for youth to serve as God’s hands and feet in our country and world. Past trips have included the Rocky Boy Reservation, Montana; Antigua, Guatemala; National Youth Gathering in Houston, TX.

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Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church’s approach to affirming our Baptism is through the classes of confirmation for 6-8 graders. This is a 3-year journey that walks through the Old Testament, the New Testament, and Lutheran creeds, prayers, sacraments and more. This takes place during the school year on Wednesday evenings and/or Sunday mornings.
Wednesday Youth Night
During the school year, 6-12 graders gather on Wednesday evenings for dinner, a small meditative worship service, learning and games. Dinner is served for all 6th-12th grade youth, followed by a small worship service and then Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers break up for their learning and games.
Service & Fellowship Opportunities
All Middle School youth are encouraged to participate in our many offerings. This includes things like stuffing food packs at Helena Food Share for kids in the public school system that need extra food to take home. Fellowship time together is important for a healthy community. There are many offerings to come and enjoy one another, either soaking at Broadwater Hot Springs or bowling together. There are many opportunities year-round for youth and their families of all ages.

Wednesday Youth Night
During the school year, 6-12 graders gather on Wednesday evenings for dinner, a small meditative worship service, learning and games. Dinner is served for all 6th-12th grade youth, followed by a small worship service and then Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers break up for their learning and games.
Service & Fellowship Opportunities
All High School youth are encouraged to participate in our many offerings. This includes things like stuffing food packs at Helena Food Share for kids in the public school system that need extra food to take home. Fellowship time together is important for a healthy community. There are many offerings to come and enjoy one another, either soaking at Broadwater Hot Springs or bowling together. There are many opportunities year-round for youth and their families of all ages.
Summer Trip
Every summer, the High Schoolers take a trip somewhere centered in faith formation. This is a time to connect with ones faith in a grand way, be in service to others, and meet others in faith around Montana and beyond.