Mid-week Advent Worship
You Shall Have a Song
God promises, “You shall have a song” (Isaiah30:29). This Advent season, we will explore three songs from Scripture that speak of the promise of God. Our reflections will take place as a part of the music and devotion of Holden Evening Prayer. Join us at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary for a time of reflection and prayer.
December 6 God’s New Song Psalm 96
- What has changed for you or your family in the last year?
- How or when have God’s love and power been made new for you as you’ve experienced these changes?
- Who in your family, neighborhood or worshiping community needs to hear God’s song of saving grace this Advent. When and where will you sing it?
December 13 Mary’s Song Luke 1:46-55
- What gives you joy?
- When and where and with whom do you experience true joy?
- What does it mean for you to call God your Savior? How do you define salvation?
December 20 Servant Song Philippians 2:5-8
- Think about someone who voluntarily left behind privilege or status. How rare is this in your world?
- How does the divine descent of God in Jesus Christ redefine God for you?