Lot’s Going On!
Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Easter season runs through most of May. In the meantime, there is much going on at worship:
- Sunday, April 25 — Care of Creation Sunday & Preschool Singing
- Celebrate God’s wondrous creation this Earth day
- The preschool will share a special song with us via video
- Sunday, May 2 — Blessing of the Quilts & Lutheran World Relief
- Bring donations through April, to be blessed & sent out to help a needy world
- Sunday, May 9 — Confirmation
- Our 8th graders reaffirm their baptismal promise to be followers of Christ
- Sunday, May 16 — Ascension of Our Lord
- Occurs on May 13th, we celebrate this on Sunday
- Sunday, May 23 — Pentecost
- Wear red and celebrate the sharing of the Holy Spirit with all God’s people
- Sunday, May 30 — Holy Trinity Sunday
- We hope to move to a single outdoor worship service this Sunday (weather permitting)