Holy Week @ Home
Welcome to Holy Week at Home! This week during the church year is at the heart of what we believe, yet we are not able to gather as a church community in one place during this time. Therefore, we have created a way for us to learn, worship and celebrate together. In the links below, you will find scripture, activities and prayers for each milestone during Holy Week. You will notice that we have provided materials for different family structures. Please use the one that is most appropriate for you! Additional scriptures, materials and links to videos that you can use at your discretion throughout the week are also enclosed. As you complete the activities throughout the week, please take a picture to share with us!
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If you would like to stay off social media you can send it to Liz or Jackie (emails listed below.)
If you have questions about the material, please do not hesitate to contact us. Email is the best way to reach us right now. You will find a link to this document on our website, in order to more easily access the website links! Don’t forget to join us for online Holy Week worship at https://www.ourredeemerlives.org/live.
In Christ’s Service,
Jackie Bartz, Youth and Family Ministry Director, [email protected]
Liz Swenson, Children’s Ministry Director, [email protected]
Pastor Kendra, Associate Pastor, [email protected]
Holy Week at Home for All Ages
Holy Week at Home for Young Families
Holy Week at Home for Teens and Adults
Easter Coloring Pages