A week at camp is often the highlight of a young person’s summer!

While Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp has had to adjust their summer programming with the impact of COVID-19. Last summer, we were able to attend in two separate groups and we had a blast learning and growing in faith and in God’s beautiful creation! We’ve hear so much about it throughout the winter, we decided to offer it again this summer! Join ORLC youth for an incredible Christ-centered experience in a retreat-style format.

What does a retreat-style camp look like? While there, a camp staff member will guide guests through the various activities that camp offers (swimming, Bible study, worship, canoeing, archery, sailing, hiking, etc.!). At camp, groups will remain distanced to the best of their ability, with specific mealtime procedures, scheduled activities, and more as guided by the CDC and Flathead County Health Department.

Jackie Bartz, Director of Youth & Family Ministry, and Liz Swenson, Director of Children’s Ministry, would like to take a couple  groups of youth to experience camp:
  • July 18-23 —A full week adventure for older youth (8th grade and older) – Cost $351
  • August 1-4 —A shorter trip (4 days/3 nights) for 3rd grade to 7th grade – Cost $211

By splitting up the groups, we will be better able to gage levels of activities, bedtimes, bible studies, etc. for each group.

FLBC requires us to bring 1 adult female (myself) and 1 adult male as chaperones for the time at camp as well as masks for all (to be worn only when needed in doors and when in close proximity to other groups). More information on specific forms and info will be distributed closer to the beginning of summer.

As camp is trying to limit outside folks dropping in, we will travel as a group using a 15 passenger van to transport our group to and from camp. Please note that as we will be traveling together, social distancing will not be a possibility during transport, but we will follow camp rules for safety and social distancing once on site.

***WELCA (Women of the ELCA) also offers camp scholarships to any student who needs financial assistance to attend Bible Camp. Applications are available in the narthex and can be turned into the church office.


Registration for camp is due two weeks prior to the start date of each trip to the church office as we will be registering as a group!

Questions?! Email Jackie or Liz  or call at 406-442-7842.


Registration and Forms: (Please Return to Church Office)
General Camp Information (from last summer and will be updated as soon as available):