Fall Schedule Starts This Week
Beginning Wednesday, September 15th and Sunday, September 19th, we will move to our normal Fall worship schedule.
Sunday 8:30am — Traditional Worship
- This service includes full liturgy, organ, and communion
- Often features our Chancel Choir
Sunday 11:00am — Rejoice Worship
- This service features contemporary music, a slightly lighter liturgy, and communion
- Music led by our Rejoice Band
Wednesday 6:30pm — Spark Worship
- Family-oriented worship that is light on liturgy and under 45 minutes, with communion
- Features our high school Spark Band
A word from our Council President, Jan Martin:
After the listening session on July 18, a survey and discussions with those who could not attend, the ministry team had a lengthy discussion about worship this fall. This decision was made with the knowledge that two services on Sunday is more work for the ministry team. Some of the important factors in reaching this decision were:
1) With two services it will be easier to respond to changing recommendations from the CDC and county health officials, and to maintain appropriate distance between family groups during worship as care for the health of our members is part of our ministry.
2) The time between services will facilitate Sunday School, Bible Study and fellowship.
3) Some members of the congregation prefer one service over the other.
This decision is supported by the church council, and will be reviewed as conditions change.