By Jason Callon

Welcome Back to Our Former Ministers!

As part of our 60th anniversary celebration, we will welcome back several former ministers to celebrate worship with us! We will be blessed by the presence of:


Rev. Kathie Larson Aashiem, Sharon Amor (AIM), Rev. Lowell Anderson, Rev. Cliff Gronneberg, Rev. Wayne Pris, Deacon Rob Stuberg, Rev. Steve Van Glider, & Rev. Joe Wahlin.

By Jason Callon

Outdoor Worship, Aug 18 at 9:30 AM

Come enjoy the beauty and majesty of a summer-in-Montana backdrop for our worship on August 18th at 9:30am! We will have a full service, including communion, in the courtyard at the church. Big mountains, big sky, and bigger God!

By Jason Callon

Congrats to Our High School Graduates!

Today we give thanks to God for 17 of our youth graduating high school! Many of them are going on to college, technical school, or entering the workforce. Please keep them in your prayers as they transition into adulthood and a new chapter in their lives:


Ann Dodds

Chelsea Gates

Nathanael  Hafer

Bryce Harrington

Treven Maharg

Brady Martin

Braxton McCormack

Shawn Moore

Anna Passage

Madison Robertson

Marki Sharkey

Marcella Sim

Cheyanne Straughn

Alyssa Tompkins

Zachary Wadhams

Demetrius White

Rachel Zimmer